Club Shows & Events 2018

This list will be updated on a regular basis, as will the alternative events page which list events that the club is not going to but that members may be interested in. The committee asks that club members forward on details of any events not listed for consideration as either club outings or alternative events.

Tuesday 27th – Annual General Meeting – Read More
Sunday TBC – Breakfast Run

Sunday TBC – Breakfast Run
23rd to 25th – Practical Classic Restoration Show, NEC

Saturday 14th – Pride of Longbridge at Cofton Park Longbridge
Sunday 22nd – Breakfast Run – New Wellington Pub, Brettel Lane

Sunday TBC – Breakfast Run
Sunday 27th – Ragley Hall Classic Motor Show, Gemini Event

Sun 3rd – Hallow Country Fair – Read More
Sat 16th – 23rd – BCCCC does Top Gear – Read More!
Saturday 30th – Gornal Fun Day

Saturday 7th – Netherton Park Fun Day – Read More!
Sunday 15th – Walsall Arboretum
Saturday 21st – Buffery Park – Read More!

Sat 11th – Far Forest Countryside Show – Read More!
Sun 19th – Warehouse 701, Herefordshire – Read More
Monday 27th – Enville Show

Sunday 9th – Sunday Lunch (tbc)
Sunday 23rd  – Classic car event Red House Glass Cone, pre-book

Sunday 7th – Malvern Classic Car Show at Three Counties Showground
Tuesday 9th – Club Auction Night – Read More
Sunday TBC – Breakfast Run

Sunday 18th – Breakfast Run – Read More!
Fri 9th – Sun 11th – Classic Motor Show, NEC

Date TBC – Breakfast or Road Run
Saturday 8th – Club Christmas Dinner – Read More